About North Light Arts

North Light Arts Mission: (2021-12-22)

North Light Arts is an established organisation delivering innovative projects and educational initiatives around Dunbar that focus on our environment. We seek to generate new ways of engaging with our community and actively develop opportunities that connect artist’s, organisations, specialists and people of all ages: to act as a catalyst for change.

Working with our environment

Creative Director: Susie Goodwin
Directors: Jo McNamara, Liz Wilcox
‘Soil’ Project Manager: Toni Dickson
Creative Assistants: Justine Watt
Contact us

‘Soil’ Project Manager 2021 to 2022: pm.northlightarts(at)gmail(dot)com
Advisors: Lesley Smith (Principal Arts Officer)
Associate Members: Maggie Struckmeier, Lucy Dunce, Michael Litzau Forup, Tracy Morgan, Justine Watt, Georgina Brown.

North Light Arts CIC (community interest company)


Our Aims are to develop quality site specific arts to:

  • Instigate a collective discourse around arts, environment and communities as a catalyst for change
  • Generate inclusive, individual and collective opportunity for the benefit of a wide range of people;
  • Connect people to their environments through work that explores international and global issues of local relevance;
  • Promote access and inclusion for the well being of our communities, contributing to sustainable, social and economic


Dunbar is a small fishing town on the east coast of Scotland. It can boast many local initiatives that seek to connect us to our environment and lead us to a more sustainable lifestyle. We work hand in hand with other organisations such as Sustaining Dunbar and take the arts to people within their environments so that the artists we are lucky enough work with might impact and connect to the communities who share this space.

Our annual exhibition takes place at Dunbar Town House Museum and Gallery and we have erected a Pavilion overlooking our Rainbow Garden which is part of the Ridge Community Garden at the Backlands.

We are lucky to be the home of the great environmentalist John Muir, many of his writings being the inspiration behind of our care for the environment, and relevant remain relevant to our contemporary aims – the arts as catalyst for change.

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