Inspiring response to coastal ebb and flow
Giles Sutherland
Monday June 12 2017.
Alec Finlay & Hannah Imlach, Floers
Dunbar Town House until June 25
“As part of a residency organised by Dunbar-based North Light Arts, poet Alec Finlay and artist Hannah Imlasch present words and sculpture in a sensitive, inspiring response to the eastern coastal fringe of the UK.
“The sea is once again a theme for our time. Our relationship to the coast is changing as sea levels rise, storms worsen and the promise of marine renewables appears on the horizon, Floers bodes these inshot and ootshot tides of coastal culture, past present and future,” say the artists. Inherent in this statement is the idea dialect can form and inform majority language. Floers, a word laden with suggestions of ebb and flow, is one such.”
See article in The Times at:
Featured Image: Hannah Imlach’s Icosahedron Kite turns in the wind above the Dunbar coastline.