NLA (NORTH LIGHT ARTS) has grown out of our links to community, environment and artists who responded in different ways to our mission. Prior to incorporation and following our becoming a CIC we developed a number of initiatives designed to involve people and talk about the environments we share. They include:
Taking a Line
A year long project that involved a journey around the county, including the community woodland and highly successful Knitting the Harbour taking place in the Harbour Trust Offices on Cromwell Harbour. An exhibition of the finished Knitted Harbour took place at John Muir’s Birthplace and also travelled to the Peter Potter Gallery in Haddington.
One Touch of Nature Makes all Kin
An open exhibition for 12 artists taking place at John Muir’s Birthplace including a busy opening performance and an evening community poetry exchange
Walking a Line
a two-month project that had an open submission and then invited 20 artists to take part. We saw the building of the beach hut on Dunbar Harbour by Taylor Wimpey, which allowed for some one-week Beach Hut residency on Dunbar Harbour. Other artists were exhibited around the town including at the Town House, the Battery and the community bakery. Many workshops also took place.

Short Residencies with workshops and exhibitions at Dunbar Town House including:
In a Natural State
by Emma Herman-Smith
This included the arrival of a Dragon Boat on a low loader, this was rowed in a ceremony on Victoria Harbour
Fertile Ground – Soil
by Natalie Taylor
Responding to the International year of Soil this exhibition gained a 4star review in the Times
Garden Studio
by Kathy Beckett.
An exhibition of work that consulted the community and her helped in developing The Ridge gardens at the Backlands community garden. Kathy also created the garden called Taming Garden Lane.
Many one off events took place including collaborations:
The Opening of the John muir Way
Lifeboat Day
Apple day by Sustaining Dunbar